KEYFRAME◆ Capturing & Cleaning Motion Capture Data with Constantinos Sophocleous
On Saturday 19 November, CAA in collaboration with CYENS hosted a Motion Capture and Clean-up Seminar by animator Constantinos Sophocleous as part of the Keyframe◆ series.
This event happened at CYENS, Center of Excellence, as part of the Arts and Technology festival – WIP.
All seats where filled and attendees where thoroughly engaged by Constantinos’ performance of motion capture using both Rokoko and Xsense technology.
By the end of the seminar, Constantinos demonstrated how to record and clean up mocap data and how to use it on a rigged character within a scene in Unreal Engine. Participants were encouraged to jump in with questions and contribute with their thoughts.
Thank you to all who joined us on the day.
We had a fantastic Motion Capture & Clean Up seminar on Saturday with a great attendance.
We want to thank Constantinos…
Posted by CAA – Cyprus Animation Association – ASIFA Cyprus on Wednesday, 23 November 2022
Keyframe is a series of events organised by CAA for the animation community and this will be the very first of them! The events will span over the course of late 2022, so watch this space for more updates 

Keyframe. Talks & Workshops will include workshops (and talks of course) by professional artists in the fields of animation, VFX and games. The topics will include pre-production stages, 3D animation and motion capture, tips & tricks, presentations and talks of international projects and more.
Ticket pricing may vary but all CAA Members will enjoy FREE entrance to all events. (but will still need to grab themselves a free ticket on Eventbrite.)
Find out more on the dedicated KEYFRAME page.