News about the industry
KEYFRAME. – Directing long-form animation with Avgousta Zourelidi
KEYFRAME◆ Storytelling in Virtual Reality with Dr. Doros Polydorou
The last of the KEYFRAME.2022 events has come to a close and it has been a fantastic year.
Thank you to all for…
Posted by CAA – Cyprus Animation Association – ASIFA Cyprus on Friday, 16 December 2022

KEYFRAME. – Directing long-form animation with Avgousta Zourelidi
KEYFRAME◆ Directing long-form animation with Avgousta Zourelidi
Thank you to everyone who attended the KEYFRAME.2022 event last Friday, Directing Long-Form Animation with Avgousta…
Posted by CAA – Cyprus Animation Association – ASIFA Cyprus on Wednesday, 30 November 2022

KEYFRAME. – Capturing & Cleaning Motion Capture Data with Constantinos Sophocleous
KEYFRAME◆ Capturing & Cleaning Motion Capture Data with Constantinos Sophocleous
All seats where filled and attendees where thoroughly engaged by Constantinos’ performance of motion capture using both Rokoko and Xsense technology.
By the end of the seminar, Constantinos demonstrated how to record and clean up mocap data and how to use it on a rigged character within a scene in Unreal Engine. Participants were encouraged to jump in with questions and contribute with their thoughts.
We had a fantastic Motion Capture & Clean Up seminar on Saturday with a great attendance.
We want to thank Constantinos…
Posted by CAA – Cyprus Animation Association – ASIFA Cyprus on Wednesday, 23 November 2022

International Animation Day Celebrations – IAD22
ASIFA International Animation Day Celebrations IAD22

Honayn’s Shoe, Mohamed Ghazala, Egypt
Dragon Recipes, Maria Pavlou, Cyprus
My Stuffed Granny, Effie Pappa, Greece
Wicked Girl, Ayce Kartal, Turkey
Between Bears, Eran Hilleli, Israel
Apodemy, Katerina Athanassopoulou, Greece
Missing, Tariq Rimawi, Jordan
Playing House, Özgül Gürbüz & Cenk Köksal, Turkey
Lost and found, Vivian Papageorgiou, Greece
In Other Words, Tal Kantor, Israel
Duma, Pascalis Pascali, Cyprus
Program curation: Panagiotis Kyriakoulakos, Zeynep Akcay and Michalis Kalopaidis
Deryneia: Famagusta Avenue Garage, 82, Famagusta Avenue, 5380 Deryneia
Larnaka: EVOHK Gallery, Pavlou Valsamaki 9, 6026 Larnaka
Nicosia: Home for Cooperation, 8 Markou Drakou, 1102 Nicosia
Paphos: Kimonos Art Centre, Kimonos 2, 8011 Paphos
Limassol: 6×6 Centre of photography, Vasiliou Makedonos 30, 3040 Limassol
Doors open at 7pm. Screenings will start at 7:15pm
Free admission
For general enquiries call: +357 99434793
The event is organized with the support of ASIFA Hellas, the Larnaca Famagusta Cinema Society, Kimonos Art Centre, Famagusta Avenue Garage, EVOHK gallery and the 6×6 Centre of Photography.

- Published in Announcements, Events, News
KEYFRAME. – Funding opportunities within the program “Creative Europe – MEDIA” at The Animattikon Project
KEYFRAME◆ Funding opportunities within the program “Creative Europe – MEDIA” @ The Animattikon Project
It was presented by the Planning and Development Coordinator at the Organisation for European Programmes and Cultural Relations, Nenad Bogdanovic at the Photography Studio / Department of Multimedia and Graphic Arts, Cyprus University of Technology.

- Published in Announcements, Events, News
KEYFRAME. – Storyboarding with Magnus Kråvik
KEYFRAME◆ Storyboarding for Animation Production – with Magnus Kråvik
It was a full house with professionals and students attending to learn from Magnus and his experience in storyboarding for animation.

- Published in Announcements, Events, News
KEYFRAME. – Talks & Workshops 2022
CAA presents: Keyframe. Talks & Workshops 2022!

- Published in Announcements, Events, News
New Feature on CAA Website – Members Directory + Online Registrations
The Cyprus Animation Association website has been updated with a new Members Directory feature.
Cyprus Animation Association members may now have a public profile hosted on the association’s website once they complete the new online registration process.
This is a long awaited feature and one of the benefits that CAA has to offer. It provides the opportunity for all members to be represented and found on one of the top searched pages for local animation, while they share some of their work and link to their personal websites.
The member’s profile will feature:
- Published in Announcements, News
CAA YouTube Channel
CAA has a YouTube channel!
- Published in Announcements, News
Annecy 2021 with Cypriot touches.

ANNECY FESTIVAL 2021 is happening online and we are very excited that there are FIVE Cypriot participations!!
The short animated documentary “Hellenic Places: Hermoupolis”
(Directed by: Charalambos Margaritis, Production: ANIMASYROS International Animation Festival.)
Presented in the pavilion of ASIFA Hellas.
Part of a special screening under the title “Creative Aspects of South East Mediterranean Animation”.
We hope that there are positive outcomes from the pitching and screenings.
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