Announcements from the association
International Animation Day Celebrations – IAD22
ASIFA International Animation Day Celebrations IAD22

Honayn’s Shoe, Mohamed Ghazala, Egypt
Dragon Recipes, Maria Pavlou, Cyprus
My Stuffed Granny, Effie Pappa, Greece
Wicked Girl, Ayce Kartal, Turkey
Between Bears, Eran Hilleli, Israel
Apodemy, Katerina Athanassopoulou, Greece
Missing, Tariq Rimawi, Jordan
Playing House, Özgül Gürbüz & Cenk Köksal, Turkey
Lost and found, Vivian Papageorgiou, Greece
In Other Words, Tal Kantor, Israel
Duma, Pascalis Pascali, Cyprus
Program curation: Panagiotis Kyriakoulakos, Zeynep Akcay and Michalis Kalopaidis
Deryneia: Famagusta Avenue Garage, 82, Famagusta Avenue, 5380 Deryneia
Larnaka: EVOHK Gallery, Pavlou Valsamaki 9, 6026 Larnaka
Nicosia: Home for Cooperation, 8 Markou Drakou, 1102 Nicosia
Paphos: Kimonos Art Centre, Kimonos 2, 8011 Paphos
Limassol: 6×6 Centre of photography, Vasiliou Makedonos 30, 3040 Limassol
Doors open at 7pm. Screenings will start at 7:15pm
Free admission
For general enquiries call: +357 99434793
The event is organized with the support of ASIFA Hellas, the Larnaca Famagusta Cinema Society, Kimonos Art Centre, Famagusta Avenue Garage, EVOHK gallery and the 6×6 Centre of Photography.

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KEYFRAME. – Funding opportunities within the program “Creative Europe – MEDIA” at The Animattikon Project
KEYFRAME◆ Funding opportunities within the program “Creative Europe – MEDIA” @ The Animattikon Project
It was presented by the Planning and Development Coordinator at the Organisation for European Programmes and Cultural Relations, Nenad Bogdanovic at the Photography Studio / Department of Multimedia and Graphic Arts, Cyprus University of Technology.

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KEYFRAME. – Storyboarding with Magnus Kråvik
KEYFRAME◆ Storyboarding for Animation Production – with Magnus Kråvik
It was a full house with professionals and students attending to learn from Magnus and his experience in storyboarding for animation.

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KEYFRAME. – Talks & Workshops 2022
CAA presents: Keyframe. Talks & Workshops 2022!

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New Feature on CAA Website – Members Directory + Online Registrations
The Cyprus Animation Association website has been updated with a new Members Directory feature.
Cyprus Animation Association members may now have a public profile hosted on the association’s website once they complete the new online registration process.
This is a long awaited feature and one of the benefits that CAA has to offer. It provides the opportunity for all members to be represented and found on one of the top searched pages for local animation, while they share some of their work and link to their personal websites.
The member’s profile will feature:
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CAA YouTube Channel
CAA has a YouTube channel!
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INVITATION – ASIFA International Animation Day (IAD) 2021
Invitation to the annual celebrations of ASIFA International Animation Day (28 October 2021)

The International Animation Day is organised by ASIFA and its chapters in various countries and is observed globally on the 28th of October every year.
ASIFA was established in 1960 as a non-profit corporation devoted to cultivating and promoting the art, craft and profession of Animation. One of its target goals is to promote progress toward peace and mutual understanding through the unified interest of the art of animation with workshops, gatherings, and worldwide projects.
This free event will take place at the Home for Cooperation, Nicosia – Thursday, 28 October.
The event is supported by Home for Cooperation and the schedule is as follows:
- 18:00 – 18:15: Introduction of Cyprus Animation Association by Andreas Rossides
- 18:15 – 18:45: “The Art of the Interval: Norman McLaren’s ‘Neighbours’ and the conditions of movement” by Charalambos Margaritis
- The presentation will discuss Norman McLaren’s 1952 film “Neighbours” and the way it treats the themes of division and discord, in light of the historical and political context of the 50s. The narrative elements of the film will then be compared to McLaren’s own theories and remarks about the process and art of animation. Through this analysis, the presentation will propose animation as the ‘art of the interval’.
- 18:45 – 19:15: “Mesut” – Presentation by Alexia Roider.
- Mesut is a short animated film based on a real life story of a young Turkish Cypriot boy who wanted to learn how to dance Zembekiko. The creators of the film will share the story of Mesut and provide a sneak preview of the film which is currently in a pre-production stage.
- 19:30 – 21:00: Film Screenings: A selection of short films by the Animattikon Film Festival.
The presentations will be in English and all the films will have English subtitles.
The event is free to the public.
Due to limited seat availability we kindly ask you to RSVP by obtaining a FREE ticket here.
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Animated music videos for Tempelis Drakos – Competition 2021
Ανακοίνωση διαγωνισμού για δημιουργία ταινιών animation.
Ο Τεμπέλης Δράκος, αποφάσισε να συνεχίσει να φτιάχνει φιλμάκια για τα τραγούδια του και παρ’ ότι τεμπέλης, έκατσε κι ετοίμασε την πιο κάτω πρόσκληση για υποβολή προτάσεων.
Ο Τεμπέλης Δράκος δέχεται προτάσεις για δημιουργία ταινιών animation (βίντεο κλιπς) για τα τραγούδια “Δέκα Καβουράκια” και “Για τα πα τα” από το CD «Ο Τεμπέλης Δράκος και άλλες Ιστορίες» σε στίχους και μουσική του Γιώργου Χατζηπιερή.
Τα τραγούδια αυτά (μουσική και στίχοι), υπάρχουν στο κανάλι του Τεμπέλη Δράκου στο YouTube στις ακόλουθες διευθύνσεις:
Δέκα Καβουράκια
Για τα πα τα
(για του στίχους πατήστε στο “show more”)
Περιεχόμενο Προτάσεων
Κάθε πρόταση πρέπει να περιέχει τα ακόλουθα:
α. Όνομα, βιογραφικό και εργογραφία ή σχετική εμπειρία δημιουργού και πιθανών συνεργατών
β. Στοιχεία Επικοινωνίας (διεύθυνση, τηλέφωνο, μέιλ)
γ. Προτεινόμενο Storyboard
δ. Σχεδιαστικά δείγματα προτεινόμενων Χαρακτήρων (Character Design)
ε. Δείγμα εικονογράφησης μιας τουλάχιστον σκηνής (Background Design)
ζ. Δείγμα 3-5 δευτερολέπτων της πρότασης σε κινούμενη εικόνα (Animation) (προαιρετικά)
η. Πλάνο διεκπεραίωσης (παραγωγής) που να περιλαμβάνει μέθοδο εργασίας, χρονοδιάγραμμα
θ. Αναλυτικό Προϋπολογισμό – Τιμολόγηση
Όροι Συμμετοχής
α. Κάθε δημιουργός δικαιούται να υποβάλει μόνο μία πρόταση για κάθε τραγούδι
β. Οι προτάσεις θα πρέπει να σταλούν ηλεκτρονικά στη διεύθυνση
γ. Το storyboard, η εικονογράφηση σκηνών και ο σχεδιασμος των χαρακτήρων να είναι σε αρχείο pdf και το δείγμα κινούμενης εικόνας σε MP4 ή mov file
δ. Οι προτάσεις θα πρέπει να ληφθούν μέχρι την 30η Ιουνίου, 2021.
α. Θα προκριθούν κατ’ αρχήν τρεις προτάσεις για κάθε ένα από τα δύο τραγούδια.
β. Στην κάθε πρόταση που θα προκριθεί και δεν θα επιλεγεί, θα δοθεί χρηματικό βραβείο €250.
γ. Θα ακολουθήσει προσωπική επικοινωνία με τους δημιουργούς των επιλεχθέντων προτάσεων και θα ληφθεί τελική απόφαση
δ. Ο Τεμπέλης Δράκος διατηρεί το δικαίωμα να μην αποδεχθεί καμία πρόταση, κατά την κρίση του.
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ASIFA Cyprus Updates 2021
News regarding recent ASIFA Cyprus updates.
On 20 March 2020, an online meeting took place for all ASIFA Cyprus members.
The meeting’s purpose was for members to discuss the purposes and responsibilities of ASIFA Cyprus within the Cyprus Animation Association and decide on its future operation.
During the meeting, Yiorgos Tsaggaris passed on the ASIFA representation to the ASIFA members, a responsibility which he had since the chapter’s formation, and recommended the CAA President to be the next representative. After collective discussion between the 14 present members, a 3 person committee was formed, consisting of Charalambos Margaritis, Michael Kalopaidis and Andreas Rossides (CAA President). It was decided between the 3 person committee that Michael Kalopaidis will be the next ASIFA representative, while the other 2 members will have consulting and auditing roles.
This new ASIFA committee will act as a sub-committee within the CAA and its role will be to ensure efficient communication between ASIFA and its members, explore all opportunities and benefits that may come from the ASIFA membership and communicate these with the CAA and all ASIFA Cyprus members, and work with the CAA board to assess how the ASIFA membership can best support the association and serve the community.
We would like to thank Yiorgos Tsaggaris, the previous ASIFA representative, for initiating the local ASIFA Chapter in 2013 and appreciate all his efforts and contributions in sustaining it to the present day.
We look forward to working together with the new ASIFA committee in creating more opportunities for the local animation community.
For any ASIFA related matters or to request membership information, please contact Michael Kalopaidis at or any CAA board member at
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Call for Membership, General Assembly and Elections 2021.
Cyprus Animation Association (CAA) invites animators, motion artists, VFX artists and creatives in other related fields, who are Cypriot or based in Cyprus, to become members of the association and participate in the annual general assembly.
Get involved to empower and reinforce the association’s efforts, mission and objectives in building a strong industry and community. Now more than ever, collective representation can respond to the increasing economic and social challenges of our industry and argue for changes in policies and procedures.
Cyprus Animation Association represents professionals and artists in the disciplines of animation, motion graphics and visual effects. The association also represents the International Animated Film Association ASIFA (Association Internationale du Film d’Animation) in Cyprus.
Anyone who is interested in becoming a member can find more information and registration instructions on the association’s website.
The General Assembly will be happening online via Zoom on Saturday, 20 February 2021 11:00am. The members of the board will give an overview of the first two years of setting up the association and answer questions from the participants. Thereafter, election proceedings will be held to elect a new Board of Directors. Only members are eligible to attend the assembly and vote, therefore any non-members who wish to participate may apply for membership by 15 February 2021.
Please visit our website: for more information.
For any questions or comments contact
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